This past weekend, we didn't go on any huge adventures, and we didn't go to a really cool water park, or even out to dinner. But we did have fun because we were all together. When I mean all, I mean ALL! Jack, myself, Elorna, Kaitlyn, Cody, and Bella!
Our furry children had appointments at the vet. Bella needed her booster, and Cody had an ouchy ear. So Saturday morning came, and we loaded them up into the van, Cody in his carrier, Bella in the back with the girls. As soon as we got on the road Cody started to cry. Bella couldn't handle hearing her buddy cry so she came running up the middle seats and stood in the middle of his soft carrier.
"Get off him Bella!" I yelled at the poor scared dog.
"Babe, she's just worried about Cody." Jack offered.
"I know but I still don't want her smooshing my cat." I huffed.
So I made her get off his carrier for the third time before she finally realized that I wasn't going to let her keep doing it. She laid down next to it and stuck her nose against the mesh side. Cody laid down and stuck his nose up to the mesh side too. Aww, they love each other so much!
Cody The Brave
After we got back home and rested from our 45 minute drive to and from the vet office, we decided to take the girls to the park, actually I decided, Jack was brought along as an extra set of eyes! But as you can see, we had a blast!
Kaitlyn and Daddy and Elorna and Daddy
Elorna in the bubbles & Kaitlyn the monkey
The next day we had our friend Chris and her two little girls over to play. I had a huge headache, so no church for me. Chris and I sat and talked while the four little princess's went and played upstairs. It was so nice just to relax. Thank goodness for great friends that live close and have girls! We did hair and played with the dog and had so much fun as you can see!
So we didn't go anywhere fancy this weekend, but we did spend lots of time together, and that was AWESOME!!!