
This is me! The blogger beginner....again!

Friday, March 25, 2011


It was so wonderful having St. Patrick's Day with Nana here! We all had a blast! Look at those happy faces! Around the Chism house we take our St. Patrick's day very seriously as you can tell! Even Bella had to get dressed up so she wouldn't get pinched!
It may not look like it in this picture, but she really does love wearing this outfit!

Here is Elorna in the skirt I made her. She wore it to school, very cool, and VERY green!

It wouldn't be St. Patrick's day without See's Candy Irish potatoes!

As you can see, a good time was had by all! Jack's Corned Beef was awesome! Chris's Irish bread was so yummy in the tummy, and the icing job the girls did on the cookies were priceless!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Valentine's Day!!!

Yes, I know, It's really St. Patrick's day, but I have no pictures for that yet, so you're getting pictures for Valentine's day instead! St. Patrick pictures to come at a later day!
For those of you who know me at all you will know I am a huge fan of pictures, a bigger fan of my girls, and since I love to take pictures of them, that's mostly what my blog is about! So sit back and enjoy some awesome pictures that we gone done at a new place, I know surprise, surprise, not Picture People! It's a little studio called Picture Inovations, and they are so good! Ian, our photographer got such a kick out of the girls! We got to work in two different studios and he was amazed at how well they both did. Obviously he didn't know we've been taking them to get pictures done nearly every month for their whole lives!