Thanksgiving is a time to show all your family and friends just how much you care for them. It is also a time to really remember all our ancestors sacrificed to come to a new land in hopes of a better life.Thanksgiving may not be as flashy as the more commercialized holidays, but it is one of the most important traditions our family has, and we were so thankful that we got to share it with our family and friends! Here are some pictures from our awesome day!
Breakfast was served about Ten O'clock, fairly normal for Thanksgiving day!
Pumpkin pie with adorable turkey cutouts, check!
Kaitlyn and I dancing with Chuck the turkey! Jack named our turkey this year.
Elorna and I dancing with Chuck!

Kaitlyn was in a coma just after breakfast!
Poor B-Pa didn't stand a chance of staying awake! Those girls wore him out!
Me and my Honey!
Chris and her girls finally got there about one. We were so excited!
Peeling potatoes with G-Ma!
Me and my Chris, blurry, but not too bad!
Hanging out in the kitchen waiting for Chuck to get nice and brown!
This turkey is Jack approved!
Time to eat up! Yippee!
The next day I went to hang out with Tracie, Teresa and Irma. It was so nice!
Me and Teresa!
Here we all are at Coyote's!
Next morning Teresa and her kids came to pick Tracie up. It was too short a visit, but nice while it lasted! We tried to fit us all in on the couch, but that wasn't going to happen with wiggly Bella, do David and Ivana too a regal picture with our regal cat Cody. They thought he was great!
With Thanksgiving behind us, it's now time to bust out the Christmas dresses and get ready for Christmas!!!