
This is me! The blogger beginner....again!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leave a message...I've gone to Washington!

Labor day was bitter sweet this year. Labor days in the past we've spent BBQing with the Bayless's and enjoying the last bit of summer. This year, our Bayless's are gone, and our summer ended with triple digits (And if you know me, that is not good!)
However, the silver lining this year was our trip to Washington. How is that a silver lining? Here is my picture journal of why the grass is greener in Washington...at least for now!

Packed and ready to go....or are we?

We should have left right after work, or that was my plan, but Elorna had other ideas! Her stomach didn't feel well, and just as we reached the Washington border, we had to pull over. She felt so bad, we turned around, and my plan was to start fresh the next morning.
She passed out in the car, just so tired!
We got home, she felt better! Imagine that! So she ate, and we decided to try again, of course, now is was 8:30 and all signs of light were gone.
We went again, and everything seemed great, till about 30 miles into Washington, I hear her grab for the barf bowl and use it well. We pulled over, she felt really good after that! The rest of the drive, piece of cake! We got to Tracie's house about midnight. The girls went straight to her bed and crashed, not another word from them at all!

The next morning IHOP! Very yummy! The girls were so excited to see Auntie Tracie again!
A few of our traditional car photos and we were off to the yarn store!!!

Well okay, one more! Who can say no to photos!

On our way to Starbucks, then home to make a big yummy dinner!

Ani was excited for lasagna too!
Finally Teresa showed up with her kids and boyfriend, Ed. Kaitlyn jsut loves to bug poor David...though secretly I think he had a blast with the girls!
Mary, david and Kaitlyn pyramid!

The Kaitlyn Sandwich special. With a side of smooshed Ivana, and for desert, a wonderful giggly Elorna!

Finally it was time to settle down and watch America's Funniest Videos. But I think the show these kids put on was funnier than any video on TV!


Tracie, Ivana and Teresa!

All the kids now!
Mary, Ivana, David, Kaitlyn & Elorna!

Last Starbucks fix at the New Starbucks in town!

Mustache Girls!

Tracie: I know I dropped something down there!
LeeBee: I am so embarrassed for you right now.

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